


12 条回复 A 作者 M 管理员
  1. 在吃饭时间听到这个性感飞行~宿舍另外一个漫迷喷饭了!!!

  2. 阿部全名是什么。。只记住这张脸- -谁能把出处什么的介绍下。。只给名字也行 WIKI应该有 我查下
    博主 对 TJ CAT 的回复: 2008-07-15 20:35:59

  3. 谁能介绍一下那个性感飞行是谁唱的?恶搞的出处是哪里?难道歌词有变么???

  4. 那个连接不看为妙!!!啊~啊~BL退散!!!!!

  5. 做LULU的人真是有爱~

  6. 真是很性感啊~~

  7. 性感飞行 果然性感

  8. = =阿部叔的看過了~銷魂呀XD

  9. I’d have to play ball with you here. Which is not something I usually do! I really like reading a post that will make people think. Also, thanks for allowing me to comment!

  10. Most of the photos are displaying up broken in my browser. Am I doing one thing incorrect?

  11. You would not believe how long ive been looking for something like this. Scrolled through 7 pages of Google results without finding anything. One search on Bing. There you are!…. Gotta start using that more often

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